- Let's redefine SI units!
Why? Well... you know... science. - Brian Josephson posts a fairly level-headed description of how other physicists have treated him like crap:
Sadly, the paper ends up like a fish in a barrel:
"My original assumption that scientists, being intelligent people, would have the ability to view experimental evidence and theoretical arguments objectively has been severely challenged"
Well, if you had provided any experimental evidence at all, or a single scientific argument then people might have listened, but, well, you haven't, so, you know, blame where blame is due.
"in the end, truth will prevail"
Yeah, see above. It kind of has prevailed. It turned out to be science. You noticed, right?
*sound of gunshot*
*floating fish* - This is a beauty.
Here's the abstract
"If our universe has appeared in a result of Big Bang or something like this, whether we have reasons to deny an existence of other universes appearing by the same or similar way? An objection that there is no anything like it, is doubtful, because nobody knows: what could we observe in this case? A model of a multi-space universe with mutual coupling of spaces is being proposed and investigated"
Here's a translation.
Dude, if, like, the universe cam from like, nothing, shouldn't there be, like, other universes? That come from nothing like, all the time, even right now? I mean, we don't know that there isn't another universe. Just 'cos like, you know, the universe is like ... so far out, dude, it's like... everygthing, you know? But that doesn't mean there can't be, like, another everything, you know? Woah. Yeah. I mean, it could be like we're floating in this universe and the universe is like floating in another universe, you dig? Like we're all big cosmic floaters.... you know?
All of these were taken from today's http://arxiv.org/list/physics/new
So what do we need viXra (http://vixra.org/) for, exactly ?
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